And cowards die many times before they close
their eyes,
Wonder how they conceal their death, how they disguise!
When bravado failed to win the merest prize
Cowardice was bliss, unknowingly how does it arise!
And no shame is left, a pauper you are;
Your esteem left through the door ajar,
No feelings arise when you bend down on your knees;
When you fell so hard who would dare to tease?
Ah! Sweet a life it is when your shame is gone,
And saccharine the life bygone.
Brandish your hollow smile- don’t you have shame?
What shame? I lost all-ALL in this game.
Beggar? Oh! So fortunate is he, so
How many sympathies, what more could he have wished?
Look here- desires trampled, ambitions vanquished,
Empty hands I remain here fixed.
Couldn’t have asked for more, for could there
have been more?
A lavish, heartfelt past and a future so sore;
Thinking about all the petty occasions when I would hit the wall-
Just if I knew in future I would miss them all!
Termination and
The tear left a trail