Priyatu's World >
Poetry> Freedom came cheapFreedom came cheapMy friend is a lawyer; No, it wasn’t chance that brought us apart, I now look around and dwarfed am I Even as I walked upon tender feet, fraught was
I with COMMENTS : The modern world is very materialistic. Some years back I had the opportunity to visit the ashram of a sage who wondered why all parents were always wishing their children to become great men, in the sense of rich men, when they grow up, and why no parent wanted their children to become just good men. Thus when the parents themselves cannot be expected to wish a good future for their children, it is rash and foolish indeed to expect any enlightened belief on part of the children themselves. The education system is heavily charged to serve the materialist end. Literacy and not education is the stress of all governmental efforts. And the real victim is the student, the child. He is pressed into pursuing studies, which does not suit his nature or aptitude, but instead which holds better financial prospects. He is aggrieved, he is angry, he is burdened, he is chained to the exigency of the age, but he is not free. Freedom comes at a price, which many are not prepared to pay. See also Rancour.