The simmering fumes dancing with devils.
The drooping life oozing out- breathless.
Falling suspended, shaft broken- to dust it descends.
That passed. This also may!
The wet year.
Dripping water from leaves, and the intermittent fired sky.
The continuous buzz of nature.
Moist and sudden earth, potholes and bogs and marsh.
That passed. This also may!
Frozen lake.
The floating fishes shivering, the swimming ones so dead!
The white of colourlessness- stretching upto the sky;
Covered grass, covered rooftops, covered slime.
Frost, and shivering cold.
That passed. This also may!
Far away the dark tail descending from heaven (or hell)!
The calm at the eye,
And the whirlwind outside.
That passed. This also may!
Standing all alone, facing a cruel, unfriendly world.
No solace. No companions. No friends.
When will this pass, and I say?
The title and the repeating lines are taken
from Deor's Lament (Old English poetry)
The style adopted, unconsciously, is that of Hiroshima