My idle wonder broods over the past, and seizes glimpses
From a deep buried legacy of nostalgia, now quite traversed,
Fancy what the present is doing, as my mind rinses
The loving memories of a romance, which by fate was cursed.
The burning, as it sets deeper in my heart, pains me much,
The wonder as it roves towards her, makes me frantic with a sense
of loss, more;
If I knew that future, once unthought, would hold such
Curses, O, abstained from romance would have I which now makes me
There she was, so near me; how often would I hold her in arms!
She was mine and only mine, who would smile when I asked,
And for whom would I cry when she sulked upon the hidden charms
Of a love so intense; when little angers came playfully masked.
And there she is, busy charming those who share the intimacy that
was once mine,
Bidding me farewell from her circle of friends, as my fortunes
rush down the incline.