I shed many tears some suns and moons back
When with a heavy heart I had to wish adieu-
And I lived a life buoyant, around these lanes,
These brick-walls, these trees that are withered now-
Not so long back I used to run around these tracks,
Surging footfalls would then surround in gleeful play,
And shrieks many would keep me awake.
You see, life was exciting then-
Lukewarm it became with age that mellowed the voice,
Muted the heartbeat that had beat so hard.
But what about the shared memories-
O brick-walls may fall, and the trees may wither,
Memories may fade in heart but they will remain thither.
And now walking along those lanes do make me shiver-
How I ran and fell but never learnt how not to be hurt-
Yes, the blood that courses through my veins is the same
That ran so profusely when to the ground I fell,
That ran so hot when I ran in a pursuit hot.
And now it’s cold.
You see, I shivered.
Walking along these lanes do bring back
memories old,
Yes, and I hate to walk as they bring miseries untold.