Priyatu's World >
Poetry> FarewellFarewellHearing the chime the birds returned home, But my parting hour shall not shift fate, COMMENTS : Leaving a place old, especially one with many
associations is a very painful experience. The old places, the old
faces beckon one’s heart to itself through nostalgia and tears
of longing. This poem was written just before leaving Garden Reach
for my new home at Thakurpukur. But places must be left behind in
life’s onward march. That is the price one must pay for living.
In fact, the going to a new place is a new experience, even
educative, and so is not always to be abhorred. But then how often
has the heart been pacified with logic when it is crying for lost
treasures. Thus too Charles Lamb lamented in his "I have had playmates, I have had
companions I loved a love once, fairest among women: Finally, acceptance is the rule of life. At
least resignation. Thus: Without the bitterness of wrong inflicted, The wind is rising. In between black piles,