Cricket season comes to an end
India is a
cricket crazed country. And we few students of the English
Department are a cricket grazed group. No one in the whole
university played (this year) as much as we did. Ever since
September 2001, this game has provided us constant entertaining
and satisfying engagement. And alas, the season comes to an end
now. Yet, even as the game leaves from our midst, the promise of
another glorious season hangs before us- just some more months.
Yes, we really
had a very nice time this winter. We got our own cricket gear (a
bat, three stumps and bails), and we bought more than half a dozen
balls. On many days we played for more than four-five hours. Every
afternoon was spent in regrouping, and then off we went to the
ground. We played many matches. We lost two. The most important
match with the Economics Department went for a tie, and that hurt
us most- we had lost in our previous encounter the year last. We
will carry this regret that we could not beat them. But then
again, optimism pays. There's a next time. Always.
As far as I was
concerned, cricket certainly was the chief attraction (apart from
a certain poetess in my class). The teachers who never saw us in
their classes inevitably saw us shadow playing with the bat in the
balconies. The whole department would know us by our gear. So much
so that one of our mates immortalized us by writing about the
exploits of the cricket team in a wall magazine. Long live
cricket, and love live our robust endeavour to add some sparkle to
the otherwise dull academic life of the department.
I would take
this opportunity to say thanks to my buddies by naming them. Thank
Debsena Banerjee
Amaru Mandal
Avijit Chakraborty
Ajay Singh
Click here for
Ajay Singh: A tribute, an
article on Ajay.
March 5, 2002